Current Page: Greybox » Authoring » Course ID: example » Modules » Module ID: media » Learning Units » Unit ID: video_mpeg4
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Learning Unit ID: video_mpeg4
Title: MPEG-4 Videos
Abstract: This learning units contains a set of MPEG-4 videos for each rendering level. Since we do not know yet, which MPEG-4 video formats are supported on PDA und Phone, all the example movies here are made with QuickTime's MPEG-4 Exporter and therefore may not run properly on PDA or Phone. --- Neither Dreamweaver nor Contribute provide nice GUIs for inserting videos, so we have to use "Insert => Media => Plugin" in Dreamweaver, select the video file and set width and height manually. Dreamweaver creates just a single "<embed>" tag with "src", "width" and "height" attributes... the exporter has to do the test (figure out the MIME-type, build "<object>" tag, etc).
Status: Final Version: 2004-06-21
History: 2004-06-21 (Robert Fuchs): All example are now on LOD 2 only... makes it more readable.
2004-06-18 (Robert Fuchs): Created learning unit.

Author 1: Robert Fuchs E-Mail: (empty)
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MPEG-4 Videos


MPEG-4 Vide,, Rendering Level PC PC

MPEG-4 Video,, Rendering Level PDA PDA

MPEG-4 Video,, Rendering Level Phone Phone
